Portrait CC

First impressions: his beard around the edges seems to have taken on the colour of the clothing behind it, or is it just my imagination. The seams around the wall/ceiling intersection (I am assuming that's what they are) are distracting and a bit more so because they are two different colour greens on my monitor. My 0.02¢ FWIW.


I'm not a big fan of the angle, it gives me the sense of having to bend my neck back further then it should naturally have to. The lines are a bit distracting, as was said before, and while you likely didn't have much of an option (since its under natural light), it would be best to avoid such a high ISO, if you look hard enough you can see the graininess. I do, however, like how well exposed and in-focus the eyes are, they almost don't belong with the rest of the photo.
His beard is wispy on the edges so I believe the color is bleeding through. The walls were yellow and the ceiling had probably never been painted - so there def are yellow/green casts. I tried the angle cause he is very tall and lean thinking this added emphasis. Maybe a tighter crop to remove the lines where the walls meet the ceiling.

Thanks for your CC.
Ms.Nash said:
I calibrated my monitor today with my Spyder. . I don't see the two different greens u speak of....only yellows as I look again. Hmmmm

The wall looks yellow, then there is a green line where the wall meets ceiling. The ceiling also looks a little green (more so then yellow.)
The ceiling is green and the walls are lime greeen with a deeper green in the corners of the ceiling and the wall. His beard edges are quite blue for a good inch.
GeorgieGirl said:
The ceiling is green and the walls are lime greeen with a deeper green in the corners of the ceiling and the wall. His beard edges are quite blue for a good inch.

So weird. My print job looks like my monitor. The walls are lemon yellow, ceiling is dirty- off off white :) and he's wearing a blue shirt but what I see bleed through is not that dark.

Thanks again.
Do you do your own prints?

On my monitor there is a decided greenish-yellow color cast to everything in the original.

I don't think the crop helps a lot; it includes a lot of space that doesn't add anything.
It seems to run out of focus at his mustache.
With a wide angle lens you could easily have shot at 1/125 and have two more stops of aperture for DOF and to get into the sweet spot of the lens.

This color looks better - but definitely not great - on my monitor.
In a difficult color environment, it might be worthwhile to shoot with a custom WB or shoot a white paper in the same place.

The beard thing is freaky. On my computer it looks like kind of a turquoise frost. Otherwise, I like the composition, cloning out the yellow background probably isn't an option, at least it would be for my skills. You might consider changing it to BW and tweaking the contrast and exposure. It might work a lot better. jmho
Ok! So, I guess it was my bad editing that made everything look so green :p- although when I did print it, the colors are inline with my monitor and they don't seem as green as everyone is saying. I have two different edits to offer for your consideration and I am also inlcuding the original. With this said, you will now see the bad edit I did of getting rid of one of the fan blades. I use Lightroom. I would love to see anyone else's edit or have someone share how they would do it. I was using the spot removal tool but I feel like I am missing something and that there might be a better way :er:


no offense but this is a snapshot not a portrait. At any rate, the angle makes it look off somehow. it looks like you were sitting on the couch and said "hey, look this way" and snapped. It does look kinda green on my cheapo monitor though

I'll be the odd guy out, and say I love this. Everything about it.

I like the angle you shot from. I like the background. I think the crop is effective. No reflections in the glasses is a huge plus.

Take your time and clean up your fan blade and shadow removal.

But to me, this is a great shot.
Ok! So, I guess it was my bad editing that made everything look so green :p- although when I did print it, the colors are inline with my monitor and they don't seem as green as everyone is saying. I have two different edits to offer for your consideration and I am also inlcuding the original. With this said, you will now see the bad edit I did of getting rid of one of the fan blades. I use Lightroom. I would love to see anyone else's edit or have someone share how they would do it. I was using the spot removal tool but I feel like I am missing something and that there might be a better way :er:


This has completely and totally different colors that the first one. I'm suprised that you dont see the difference between the two...?

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