Portrait in the Park


TPF Noob!
May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Norfolk, VA
Can others edit my Photos
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I had the pleasure of shooting this handsome young fella yesterday. He had one heck of a charming smile. I'm posting two versions of the same photo; landscape, as originally framed in the camera, and then a 4x6 portrait crop.


C&C is always welcome!
There are some strong points to this image and some which I think could stand improvement... First, good job on the exposure. A little more shadow/contrast would not have gone amiss, but it's pretty good. The focus is sharp where it needs to be, and the expression is great. But... (there's always a 'but' isn't there?) The composition really doesn't work for me.

In the original, there's too much going on; the bench, trees, etc. and there's also the awkard crop at the knees. Had you moved a bit further camera right and shot in vertical (portrait) orientation, I think this would have worked well. I get the sense that his posture is being forced, and were he relaxed, leaning against the back of the bench, especially if you had his feet dangling in the air, it would have been that much better.

All that aside, a nice image.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

thnx.....the cropped version is better....atmosphere, if added, shd have less distractions.
The only thing I dont like is that he is leaning back to far. Look unnatural. He should be upright. Other then that its pretty good. Nice eye contact and the exposure is good.

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