Portrait Or Landscape?????


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Mar 29, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
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Had a little time to play, experimenting with balancing back lighting with ambient light. Used textured glass with an overlay of white paper, back lit with strobe, ambient light above in heavy shade. Seems to have given me better detail on the edges. Same photo, slightly different exposure. I think I prefer the portrait orientation, but I like the 2nd exposure better. comments and suggestions for improvement???

no-image-available-grid.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
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What about exposure???? 1st or 2nd
I clicked on both choices, and found that they are the same. No horizontal format was found.
I clicked on both choices, and found that they are the same. No horizontal format was found.

Apparently I haven't been able to figure out how to upload an edited images to flickr without overwriting the orginal
I clicked on both choices, and found that they are the same. No horizontal format was found.

Apparently I haven't been able to figure out how to upload an edited images to flickr without overwriting the orginal
Are you changing the file name before uploading? That should make it go through as a different file.
SAME as above for me: both were portrait orientation shots; the first had (whjat I personally felt to be) a tiny bit too much top space, the second was framed a tiny bit too close to the edges of the frame. My preference would most liklely be the first shot I saw on Flickr, but with a bit of the top cropped away, and that slightly larger negative space at the bottom of the flower's bell. Still, despite these minor quibbles, a pleasing idea and execution!
SAME as above for me: both were portrait orientation shots; the first had (whjat I personally felt to be) a tiny bit too much top space, the second was framed a tiny bit too close to the edges of the frame. My preference would most liklely be the first shot I saw on Flickr, but with a bit of the top cropped away, and that slightly larger negative space at the bottom of the flower's bell. Still, despite these minor quibbles, a pleasing idea and execution!

Strangely when I update a photo on Flickr everyone else automatically sees the updated photo, but I still see the original in my OP.

Thanks for the comments, I was unsure how tight to crop. I've got plenty of room to go back and modify the crop. I thought it created an unusual almost snow like background. I'm going to try it again with some antique hammered glass, and colored gel.

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