You are so lucky to have a patient and willing subject! She always seems so serene.
Expanding on the comments above in the first shot, as mentioned the background is not only busy but extremely bright in relation to the face. There's always going to be significant differences in the DR of these types of shade/sun shots, but they are manageable with a little forethought. Using a speedlight or reflector will add fill on the subject decreasing the DR of the scene. Then on the right side the poor thing lost half of her knee and lower leg. I'd suggest a much tighter crop that does away with background and the messy crop on the limbs.
The second shot is a serene environment but suffers from the same cropping of the appendages (toes), and the terribly bright background. I think I know the thought process on including the fountain on the right, but it's not really adding to the composition. I found my eye bouncing back and forth between the subject and it. Leading lines, elements of the composition, etc. should lead the eye to the subject, never away from.