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Possible photoshopped image

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TPF Noob!
Sep 18, 2023
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Hello all,

Could anyone tell me if there are any visible suggestions that the photo attached suggests it has been

photoshopped to appear like this model is actually smoking? Thanks.

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My query is whether this smoke could have been photoshoppped. I am just curious.
If you hold the copyright to this image, then you would know. Otherwise you can't post an image that isn't yours.
There may be visible clues to an altered or enhanced photo, such as halos, but they are not always visible. Additionally, the EXIF might (or might not) tell you if photoshop or some other editor was used.
Setting aside this forum's policy, doesn't copyright law allow fair use including using photos to discuss and learn?

Fair use is limited. The context needs to be non-profit/educational/instructional; the original work was modified to be drastically different from the original; or it was used informatively for the public good.

Someone asking if a photo was photoshopped cannot prove that it meets any of the above criteria, much less more than one. At best, it's a simple question for their own learning that can be accomplished just as easily by providing a link to the image. And no, we're not a non-profit educational institution, so it can't be argued that it is "fair use for educational purposes." At worst, it's someone being shady for whatever reason.
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