I' the Director of a non-profit organization. We collect and then distribute used children's clothes. I have about 6oo people that show up each time to these events to receive free children's clothing. During the events we take pictures. Someone mention to me a few weeks ago -because I had begun to use the pictures on our website, that this is illegal. Does anyone here have any advise for me, or perhaps a copy/example of a disclaimer I could post at my venue...I just want to let 'shoppers' know that I will be taking photos and that they will be the property of my non-profit to be used at our sole discretion.
I don't know the legal wording or how to phrase this...so if anyone here has any advise, again...or any examples I could use, I sure would appreciate it.
I don't know the legal wording or how to phrase this...so if anyone here has any advise, again...or any examples I could use, I sure would appreciate it.