

TPF Noob!
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Wirral, UK.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
just wondering what is the best way to post pics on this forum.. i've been using photobucket for all mine.. but that needs a link for anybody to see them.. anybody know how to put a shot straight on to a post?? ta.
You can easily link directly out of Photobucket, but make sure you go to the THIRD line of the three that are put underneath each other, i.e. the one that already says "IMG-code". You only have to click it once, Photobucket copies the line automatically, then you come over to here, and put "paste" into the reply box. Voilà. Photo should be inside your post.
Ah, iv'e been copying the 1st line.. nice one thanks to you both.
Yes, well, for some really odd reason, the URL-line plus our TPF insert-image-icon do NOT work, although it should, but it doesn't ever since Photobucket has upgraded to automatic copying. So now it has to be the third line...!

Mind if I move this thread to The Beginner's Place?
This is not really a photo thread, but this question might be relevant to a good many others who face the same problems about posting a pic as you do, bazza.
Sorry it's a late post, but no, move as you wish...

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