Postprocessing (feedback)


TPF Noob!
Sep 19, 2016
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Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia)
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
hi everyone,

Wanted to ask some feedback on the two version of this picture I took in Kyrgyzstan where I live. My favorite version is the second one, but would you see anything that should be changed in my post-processing? thank you!
9787 - version 1.webp
9787 - version 2.webp
The only bloom in focus is lost in that huge expanse of OOF background.
IMO, you don't need most of that image to show the contrast between the bloom and the rest.

Home in on the bloom you want, darken the rest and I think it looks better.

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See Post #2, all you need is right of the best fix-ups we've had here in quite some time. Amazing how much better it looks with the one, single, in-focus bloom cluster brightened up, and the others darkened.
Oops, sorry, only replying now to your post. Yes, I'm using Lightroom 5.7.1. Am I able to do what you did with Lightroom? (or should I get Photoshop). I also have photoNinja (I bought it to work on the noise), and have installed the Nik collection).
I don't know the capability of LR 5.7.1 but, if it has adjustment brushes you can make a stab at it.
Use an adjustment brush to darken everything a bit and then erase where you don't want the darkening to occur.
There are myriads of online tutorials about adjustment brushes and their use.

For things requiring pixel level changes like this, I like to be able to select specific areas and affect them.
PS or Affinity or any of the free tools work better than LR in my hands for this kind of stuff.
thank you for the feedback and tips, I appreciate! (I still have a lot to learn!!). (As far as I remember, I didn't hear about Affinity before. Good to know!)

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