Pre prom photo's c&c please!


TPF Noob!
Dec 29, 2011
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A friends asked me to take some prom photo's. What do you think?


  • $S&GCE.webp
    227.6 KB · Views: 157
  • $S&GCE2.webp
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I like the exposure on both photos, however I do like the composition better on the 2nd one! Also looks much more spontaneous.
#1 Not happy. Composition not happy.
#2 Happy. Composition almost happy. (why not vertical here?) Exposure blown on left side. O.K., I am wondering what's with the one painted fingernail?
These look like engagements or couple shots. If you would not have mentioned "prom", I would never have know. Do you have any shots that show more of her dress?
One with the dress.


  • $image-1645545671.webp
    42 KB · Views: 124
My g/f's parents at the time would have shot me if I did that in prom photos...or did that in general.
They're a cute couple! This is a very playful and happy set, but it suffers from several technical problems. I'd also suggest stepping back to allow more of your subjects into the FOV (or maybe you're cropping too closely).

#1: chopped head/hands, overexposed parts, OOF face

#2: Good expression and emotional elements, chopped head/hands, overexposed areas, OOF, background elements a distraction, debris on girl's shoulder

#3: Nicely spontaneous and lively, wish I could see her eyes, blown out sky, tilted horizon is distracting
BlueMeanieTSi said:
My g/f's parents at the time would have shot me if I did that in prom photos...or did that in general.

Really? The couple and their families really liked them.

Thanks for looking everyone and helping me with how to improve.

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