Pregnancy Session


TPF Noob!
Jul 8, 2011
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Hey folks,

Thanks for taking a moment to look. Let me know what you think. C&C appreciated.

Canon 20d with 50mm 1.8.


I'm no pro, but on picture #2, I would have opened up the aperture more to blur out the background. As it is now, my eye doesn't quite separate the subject from the background, and the background is somewhat distracting.
Good call. I felt the same way. I've been paranoid about my DoF being TOO shallow lately after I botched some and the bokeh got out of hand. Thus leaving my aperture higher and not getting enough background separation, as you said.

I'll dial it in one of these days. Thanks for the words!
Tedfoto -

I've been through the same thing - I used to shoot way too open and I missed a ton of good shots because of it. Now when shooting my kids I am usually around f/4, assuming my background is a decent distance behind them. I've found this to be a good aperture for a lot of my shots.
Were you using any fill light for the 2nd photo? I can see the sun shining slightly behind her lighting up her hair and "carving" out her silhouette on the left side, but I don't see any harsh light on her, and her face and body is exposed properly. Is this just how the lighting happened or did you have a reflector or anything?

I have absolutely no clue how to make good portraits in anything other than overcast conditions. I am just starting trying to shoot people in harsh outdoor light but I don't know what I'm doing yet.
Good call. I felt the same way. I've been paranoid about my DoF being TOO shallow lately after I botched some and the bokeh got out of hand. Thus leaving my aperture higher and not getting enough background separation, as you said.

I'll dial it in one of these days. Thanks for the words!

When I'm worried about getting the dof right I just bracket it. I'm guessing you were shooting aperture mode, so you should be able to make the adjustment for 3 or 4 shots within a couple of seconds. Just a thought.
I like the light in the first, perfect for this type of photography. The crop seems weird to me, are you using a standard ratio?
Were you using any fill light for the 2nd photo? I can see the sun shining slightly behind her lighting up her hair and "carving" out her silhouette on the left side, but I don't see any harsh light on her, and her face and body is exposed properly. Is this just how the lighting happened or did you have a reflector or anything?

I have absolutely no clue how to make good portraits in anything other than overcast conditions. I am just starting trying to shoot people in harsh outdoor light but I don't know what I'm doing yet.

I feel as though I really lucked out with this one. She was in direct sunlight at about 1:30p, we were at my brother and sister-in-law's baby shower and I took some impromptu shots, and the exposures cooperated nicely. No fill light...just lucky. ;D
I like the light in the first, perfect for this type of photography. The crop seems weird to me, are you using a standard ratio?


Could just be too tight of a shot. My 50mm fixed lens had me stuffed in a closet just to get that much distance.
I like the light in the first, perfect for this type of photography. The crop seems weird to me, are you using a standard ratio?


Could just be too tight of a shot. My 50mm fixed lens had me stuffed in a closet just to get that much distance.

LOL, I know what you mean.
The first shot is charming. Everything seems to be working for you there.

The second doesn't look so much like a "Maternity Shot" as it looks like a "Maternity Wear Shot" very catalog.
I could have sworn I responded to this post already.. but maybe my comment got lost in internet land somewhere. lol

Anyway, I really like the first.. normally the straight on is not flattering for pregnant women, but I think it works on this one. The second has a lot of potential IMO.. but something about the pose seems like she is uncomfortable, and I'd prefer to see a hand under her belly.. to give her belly more shape in her dress.
I agree with the above about blurring out the background in #2 but over all their nice.

So is pregnancy photography popular?

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