Prints vs monitor as the best test of the quality of an image.


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
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I've spent a lot of time the last two months making prints and I've come to the conclusion that images seen on a monitor aren't the real test of the quality.
Prints are really the ultimate test and images that can 'pass' on the screen can really suffer when seen as prints.
In the reverse, I've made prints of images that look meh on screen that are very enjoyable as prints when details that disappear at screen resolution give rich texture.
They are different. The best test depends on the use of the image. If the image is only going to be viewed on a monitor then that is the best test of quality.

My images end up on a wall so the print version is the best test of quality for me.

Sent from my A1-840 using Tapatalk
Display if the image file is destined for electronic display.
Soft proof in your editing software (computer display) if the image file is destined to be printed.
Check the actual print in a station set up for that purpose if you want the best possible quality print.

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