Product Photography - Black Clothing (pic inside)


Ya I don't think it's blown out, but sometimes the sorrounding area emphasizes or takes from something, maybe a light colour background might make the black clothing stand out the way you need, just a thought

The issue I am having is the detail within the gi itself. Even changing the background to a grey or a light blue doesn't help.
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I guess I don't really see what is wrong with the first one, what about it do you want to get better? Unless you put it on Chuck Norris I don't think much photo editing is going to influence sales.

This isn't for sales, but for my blog. I review Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gear.

Najagi by Compressed Memories, on Flickr

This is another I am working on. I am slowly trying to learn how to work with what I have ( a single speedlight). I might buy a reflector to help as well.
i think the original is fine. if you brighten it a bit, just state that its black. I don't think its a big deal
I would be tempted to shoot it on a black background, black on black can look great but lighting needs to be good

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