PS makup


TPF Noob!
Dec 2, 2011
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Hey all. Not sure if I did this upload correctly.

I have just started playing with applying eye shadow, liner, lipstick, etc and would like some feedback on ways to improve this. I am using a very basic, overlay and Hue adjust process for the lips and shadow, and a eye lash burn for the eye liner.


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When you grab the URL to display images, it has to end in ".jpg"
Got it. Thanks for that!! Stupid Newbies:lol:
The eyes (overall) look too dark, especially in the first one. But I wouldn't have guesses that it was digital make-up.
She has very dark eyes to begin with. Here are the originals...


First of all, I commend your effort. That being said, I dont think the makeup looks great. I think you did an alright job of the editing part, bit the actual makeup, colors, shaping etc all miss the mark.

There are many talented makeup artists out there that may be able to give you some tips or ideas on how to match colors and design a face.

It really is an art form to be able to apply makeup well and I wish I had that skill myself!!

I think with a better idea about the actual makeup you could do a really good job. Unfortunately as is it looks like a slight case of the makeup shotgun.
Yea, no offense, but the first one looks slightly clownish, if you focus solely on the makeup. However, both are convincing from the standpoint that I wouldn't have said you added the makeup.
That is a very fair assessment. I was wanting critique on the technical aspect of the blending and what not, but you are correct. I know nothing about makeup application and design. That being said, many of my clients can't afford a MUA, so I want to be able to "enhance" their natural colors a little. That will be a long road, I'm sure but only having 2 days experience I think I am heading in the right direction:) Thanks for the honesty. Now, to go get a color wheel:lmao:
@Heitz. That is, as I said ^^^ a very fair assessment, and taken as a compliment as at this point I am only working on the technical side, not the application side yet. Thanks for the feedback.

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