Purchasing question


TPF Noob!
Dec 27, 2011
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Arlington, TX
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Looking for a decent telephoto lens. nothing super high end but nothing dirt cheap either. I'm sure my meaning of dirt cheap is different from lots of professionals here so please be nice :)

theses are all from craig's list in my area

Canon 75-300mm EF 4-5.6 III - $100

Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS II Telephoto Zoom Lens - $180

Would any of your professionals or non professionals recommend one of these to an amateur?

Either one would be a good choice for an affordable telephoto lens. The 75-300mm will get you more reach, but the 55-250mm has IS, which is a big benefit for a telephoto lens.

As it goes...both of these are probably close to 'dirt cheap' when to comes to lenses. To get something significantly better (in the Canon line up) you're looking in the range of $700 new (probably $500 used).
does the IS really make that much of a difference in telephoto?
Yes, IS makes that much difference. The Canon 55-250 IS is probably the best low priced out there. I would suggest staying away from the 75-300. I have both and there is a huge difference.
does the IS really make that much of a difference in telephoto?
Depends what you're shooting.

IS does help. It helps to steady the lens so that you can get sharper photos at slower/moderate shutter speeds. So in a situation where you might normally need a 1/200 shutter speed to avoid blur from camera shake, with IS you might be able to get a sharp shot at 1/50 or even 1/25.

However, if you are shooting a moving subject, you will still get blurry shots at 1/25.

So IS does help when your shooting still subjects, but if you're shooting people or anything that isn't perfectly still, then a fast shutter speed is much more important.
The 55-250 is definately rated better than the 75-300. Although I have never tried one, those who have rate it as pretty much the best zoom for the price. As Mike says, to get anything better you are looking at around $500 +

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