Question for Those With Cameras That Have 2 Memory Card Slots


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 2, 2013
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Columbus, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
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How do you use the second slot and why? I'm extremely paranoid, though for no good reason. :D As a result, I have my second slot set as backup, so I've always got 2 copies of every photo file. I'm interested in how others do it and their reasoning.
Overflow for speed ...
I've used it as #1 for RAW & # 2 for JPEG ... but then realized there was no reason to do a JPEG.

Then I was told to use this setup for maximum speed for Continuous shooting.
It varies. If I'm shooting something that I feel may overflow Card #1 then I'll set Card #2 as overflow. Otherwise I leave it as backup. Using 95mb/sec memory cards the speed loss is really inconsequential to me and I feel better knowing that if I accidentally delete something I have a backup.

When I get home I ALWAYS immediately transfer the files from my camera to my computer. One time I got distracted and deleted the wrong directory on my computer which lost all of the files I had just transferred from my camera. Luckily I still had the backup copies on card #2 so that one instance made it worthwhile to me.
#2 slot set as overflow It's easier to keep track of my cards and allows me to have plenty of sd cards available when shooting a wedding verses loosing half of them to backup. Now if I could fit a sd store in my back pocket lol All my cards get backed up on my tablet as time permits So I find it unnecessary to use as backup.
Backup 100% of the time. I don't ever want to lose a shot.
Lately I have only been using one slot because I don't have a CF card reader on my laptop.

I will shoot both cards for events, one for back up.
I don't have a duel card camera, but a photographer who I sometimes work with, buys high end bodies mainly for the reason that they have duel card slots, specifically for the purpose of having backup. He's a full time wedding photographer and he has had cards crap out of him so backup is very important to him. I believe his main camera for weddings is a Canon 1Ds mkIV. But funny enough, when the shots are less important, he prefers to shoot with a 40D.
It varies. If I'm shooting something that I feel may overflow Card #1 then I'll set Card #2 as overflow. Otherwise I leave it as backup. Using 95mb/sec memory cards the speed loss is really inconsequential to me and I feel better knowing that if I accidentally delete something I have a backup.

When I get home I ALWAYS immediately transfer the files from my camera to my computer. One time I got distracted and deleted the wrong directory on my computer which lost all of the files I had just transferred from my camera. Luckily I still had the backup copies on card #2 so that one instance made it worthwhile to me.
Pretty much exactly this.
It varies. If I'm shooting something that I feel may overflow Card #1 then I'll set Card #2 as overflow. Otherwise I leave it as backup. Using 95mb/sec memory cards the speed loss is really inconsequential to me and I feel better knowing that if I accidentally delete something I have a backup.

When I get home I ALWAYS immediately transfer the files from my camera to my computer. One time I got distracted and deleted the wrong directory on my computer which lost all of the files I had just transferred from my camera. Luckily I still had the backup copies on card #2 so that one instance made it worthwhile to me.
Pretty much exactly this.
If I ever do an important shot I'd do this too.
a just in case thing

but I don't ... I'm sure as soon as one dies on me while shooting I'll change my mind.
I put the .NEFs on Slot 1's CF card, and the JPEGs on Slot #2's CF card.
Overflow...and one time I had my SD card in my laptop and I forgot to put it back on my camera, I took a lot of shots before I realized I was using my CF card. So no worries. I still got my shots.My camera is configured not to work if there is no card in it.
You can specify one card for overflow, or for JPG, or for video, or whatever reason appeals to you....

But if there is only one card in the camera, everything will go to it anyway.
I put the .NEFs on Slot 1's CF card, and the JPEGs on Slot #2's CF card.

What is this "nef" of which you speak? Nuttin extra fancy? Never ever found? No even f/stops? No experience focusing? :scratch:

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