Rebel XSi or used 30d? plus a couple lens questions...


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2007
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Salt Lake City, UT
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Hello, sorry for another, what should I get thread. Anyway, I am trying to decide between a used Canon D30 body or a new Rebel XSi.

A little background on stuff that I shoot. I like to take action pics skiing, friends jumping off cliffs, powder shots, etc, as well as take shots out at the racetrack. I also go camping and hiking quite a bit in the desert and mountains. So... I think that I need a DSLR and a couple lenses. I have been using a Canon S5is, and it has been fun, and was a great step up from the little silver SD550 I have, but I am feeling limited now and want more.

I can't swing anything new that is more than the XSi and still have some money left over for a couple lenses. I have begun to believe that the XSi body is capable of much more than the lens included in the kit, so I am steering away from the kit. I like the 12MP of the XSi but don't know if the MP is as important as other features in the 30D.

I like the 30D for the higher Burst rate over the XSi, and that is relatively important to me for taking action shots.
My fundamental question is, would I be better served by the higher speed and potential of the 30d, even though it is 8MP instead of 12?
Also, I haven't been able to figure out if the 30d has internal image stabilization. If it does, that makes many more lenses good options over the XSi which needs lenses with the IS integrated, therefore, more expensive. Locally, there is good price on a 30D that looks pretty nice.
Either option, I need a couple lenses, preferably a decent wide angle that will work for landscape shots, tooling around, etc... and a larger zoom lens for shooting skiing, racing, and the dog. There seems to be tons available. I think ideally I would want one ballpark 70-200mm with a fixed max aperture, but those may be out of price range. Any tips or advice as to which route I should go? Thanks in advance!
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Paragraphs... Hard to read with everything all together...

No Canon (dslr) bodies have internal IS, it's in the lens.
That's better... :)

MY personal opinion... I'd go for the XSi... I think the 30D is old enough now that it's advantages are no longer on the cutting edge, and the newer, less 'pro', XSi may actually out perform it in some areas.

Smart move to skip the kit lens... Any preferance on primes vs. zooms? ...I like primes.

One zoom that I feel is a must have lens though, it the 70-200 L - whichever one you can afford. The non-IS f/4 is still a good lens, and a bargain at $600.

Really, I think the wide angle is going to be the hardest decision... It seems that it's one area that doesn't really have a perfect solution.

If you like primes, I would try to get the 50mm 1.4 and the 85mm 1.8... What to do below 50mm is something that I'm still trying to decide myself...
Until recently, I would have said go with the 30D (which is what I use and am very happy with). When I was in Alaska in June, I took some images of bear cubs playing with my Sigma 100-300 f4 at some distance and had to blow the images up significantly. The 8MP hurt me there. If that isn't an issue for you, I would say that the 30D still rocks, and you can probably get it for a very reasonable price and save money for glass (which you can still use when you upgrade bodies). I don't know what your budget is, but I've seen used 40D bodies in excellent condition for about $500.
I would recommend the 30D because 8MP is still good and if you are going to be outside more often than not, especially hiking the 30D has a more rugged body that can with stand more abuse. Also, it supports heavier lenses than the plastic body of the XSi. Also, the burst rate is useful and seems almost necessary for the things you described. Although old, it is still a good camera
I'm pretty sure you can get a used 40D cheaper than a new XSi. If that's the case, I would do that rather than either the 30D or XSi.
I'm pretty sure you can get a used 40D cheaper than a new XSi. If that's the case, I would do that rather than either the 30D or XSi.

After the feedback from the forum on a similar thread/topic I started about a month ago, I went out and negotiated a deal from a person on Craigslist on a 10 month old 40D body only for $600. VERY happy I went this route instead of a 30D or XSI or T1I.
I'm pretty sure you can get a used 40D cheaper than a new XSi. If that's the case, I would do that rather than either the 30D or XSi.

After the feedback from the forum on a similar thread/topic I started about a month ago, I went out and negotiated a deal from a person on Craigslist on a 10 month old 40D body only for $600. VERY happy I went this route instead of a 30D or XSI or T1I.

Congrats! I think you made the right move. We await images from your new baby :)
Well I am going to aim to get a 40D. We'll see what comes up. Thanks for the advice.

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