Recommendations on NVMe M.2 Drive


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2016
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I ordered a Mac Studio & plan to move my Lightroom photos to an external drive. My plan is to purchase an OWC Express 1M2 enclosure & install a 4Tb NVMe M.2 drive. Since the OWC enclosure has a rated speed of 3,151 Mb/s, I need an external drive with a comparable speed (without a faster speed that cannot be utilized). Brands like OWC, Samsung & Crucial come to mind. I would appreciate your recommendations on a high-quality drive that meets the above criteria. Thank you so much for any help.
I settled for a NAS drive as this backs up twice, its wired into my network but still fast enough on file transfer, a single back up is risky as if the drive fails you lose everything
I settled for a NAS drive as this backs up twice, its wired into my network but still fast enough on file transfer, a single back up is risky as if the drive fails you lose everything
I definitely will plan for a 2nd backup.
It's a good idea to have one at another location, like an office file cabinet or bank security deposit box.

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