Red-Winged Black bird


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Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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Those shots look great!
You got a lot of nice shots here, Cheryl. Always a work in progress with an unfamiliar lens (and subject matter!). #2 is very striking with great DOF. They each have excellent focus.

I imagine the "keeper rate" mentioned in the video only gets better with time!
I watched a video on birding and the Fuji XT-4. Got some tips and was interesting that the speaker talked a few times about the keeper rate.
LOL! Astronomical shutter activations to end up with 3 or 4 keepers :)
You got a lot of nice shots here, Cheryl. Always a work in progress with an unfamiliar lens (and subject matter!). #2 is very striking with great DOF. They each have excellent focus.

I imagine the "keeper rate" mentioned in the video only gets better with time!
Thanks Terri! Fun to learn something photography related new.
Nice shots. Especially #2

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