Reservoir Randomness


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 15, 2012
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West Springfield, MA
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Took the dog out for a peaceful walk at a nearby reservoir. Had no sky and the landscape was fairly uneventful so I played around with some abstract takes on the scenery. Would like to know what you guys think.

1.In the Bubbles in the Brook- if you look closely you can see me in the bubble reflection.

2. Lonely Leaf- torn on this one, not sure I got it right as the ice comes across as just noise

3. Stained Glass- I kinda like this one, I like how the ice kinda looks like stained glass combined with the parts of leaves poking out

4. Completely random shot- I liked the symmetry and the kinda 3D ripples across the photo, was shot zooming while exposing
Very nice set.

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