Robin and Their Babies

Oct 10, 2017
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
This picture is a little old but tell me what you think
2017-10-12 01_15_47-Robin and Babies copyedit.jpg @ 25% (RGB_8_).webp
First thing I would do is get rid of that copyright statement. It is distracting. If you want to copyright your images put the statement in the lower left or lower right corners and make it very small - 8 to 10 point type. A copyright statement will not stop someone from stealing your images. It can be removed by someone with a bit of Photoshop knowledge, in a matter of a few seconds. Other than that, the picture isn't too bad, but a small bit of fill flash might help (I know there are those who would claim this disturbs the animals, but I have been using it a bit for years and so far, no problems - in fact, I have yet to see an animal react to it, but then I just use a very low amount, with the flash dialed way down.)

It's a neat photo but unfortunately, your getting a watercolor effect from a non stabilized camera or an over applied post noise reduction render.
It was a basic point and shoot camera from a few years ago, When i was making the watermarks the past few years for my site, I did them fast because im in the nursing program at college so some was rushed, but thank you for the information
plus i was standing on a bench trying to balance when i took the pic lol

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