Rumor or Myth? D3100 Wireless remote


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Dec 30, 2011
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I saw a topic a while ago which stated that you can't buy a wireless remote for the D3100. Is that correct? I really need a wireless remote and when I did have a search I did come across some that 'stated' it works on a D3100 too.

I really hope it's a myth otherwise I'm gonna die :(
There's 15 pages of 'em on ebay. It's just that Nikon doesn't make one. They make the MC-DC2 wired remote, which is the same one the D7000 uses. Try this remote.
yup, no wireless remote for the d3100. I bought the MC-DC2 wired remote and it works great. You just got to get use to a 3' cable length.
I put a piece of velcro on the backside of the remote and the piece of velcro on my tripod, gives it a place to stay when not in use.
Neither does Sony, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Ford, Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Denny's, or DoDah's diner up the street.
Neither does Sony, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Ford, Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Denny's, or DoDah's diner up the street.

...and even KmH. Though I have yet to see that :D
KmH, I just checked you out, are you aware that you have over TWENTY THOUSAND posts????? WTF? How is that possible?
I have a Nikon D3000, I purchased a Nikon ML-L3 IR remote and really like it, it works the same way.
As mentioned above the D3100 does not receive IR like is predecessor the D3000. If you want wireless you will need to get a remote that has something that attaches to the camera to allow the remote to talk to the camera via wireless.

I personally just use a Bower wired remote with my D3100

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