rusty wheelbarrow in b&W...(C&C).


TPF Noob!
Jun 10, 2012
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Madison, WI
Can others edit my Photos
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hey all- just looking for some feedback, good or bad, on these photos. wondering a few things...does the vignette add/subtract from the images? does the slight sepia-tint on the wheelbarrow shot make this a sepia, or can it still be considered a b&w? any other feedback would be great, as these are some of my first b&w shots. Thanks.

1. rusty wheelbarrow

2. railroad

3. forest boardwalk


  • $Rusty Wheelbarrel, B&W, watermarked.jpg
    $Rusty Wheelbarrel, B&W, watermarked.jpg
    377.2 KB · Views: 175
  • $Railroad B&W, watermarked.jpg
    $Railroad B&W, watermarked.jpg
    213.8 KB · Views: 182
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I would really like the wheelbarrow shot if it were leveled. The angle seems very awkward to me.
Sepia tone, cyano tone, and B&W are all examples of monochrome, meaning "one color".

#1 Probably not the ideal choice for monochrome, due to conflicting elements in the background. A tilt is seldom a good choice.
#2 This shot would have benefited from bracketing, as it is severely underexposed.
#3 This shot needs a central subject or focus of attention.
#2 and 3 are too symmetrical and not that interesting. #1 is good. I would lose the tilt, as mentioned above, and also the vignette. In most instances I don't care for a vignette if I can see it. Darkening the edges of an image very slightly can focus attention on the center without it being apparent to the viewer that this was done. As soon as the vignette becomes visible it draws attention to itself, not what it is framing, which is not what you want, at least not usually.
thanks everyone for the feedback. note taken: tilt not necessary. The original reason for the tilt was that someone once told me that S-curves and "X's" in photographs can be atheistically pleasing to the subconscious. in the wheelbarrow photo, I saw the opportunity for the "X" shape in the wall's corner and the wheelbarrow's handle. I'll make note that the S-curve/X theory isn't always true. Thanks.
I really like the bridge shot..Nice job!!
The last one is my favorite. I like the symmetry and that the path turns out of view. It makes me want to walk down to see where the path leads to. I agree with the comments on the tilt of the first shot and yes, the second is very under exposed.

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