Safety of camera and lens on a tripod over your shoulder.

Brighter Day

TPF Noob!
Aug 6, 2023
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Ellensburg, Washington
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I have seen many videos of wildlife/nature photographers strolling along with tripod and camera slung over their shoulders. Believing in an Arca-Swiss plate with 5-10k of camera and lens boggles my mind. Does one use a safety cord or something to prevent the camera from falling? Or is the camera mounted on the tripod totally differently?
I've done it all the time with my Manfrottos.
Ummmmm. Don't ask me how I know, but that camera can dislodge and have your expensive gear fall several feet to the ground.

Yeah. .... it was not fun. No, it was not.
Hmm, at my age I can trip on a smooth floor, so walking uneven terrain is an even greater risk. I've carried tripod with camera attached, short distances using one hand on camera and the other on the tripod, never over my shoulder with camera dangling off the end.
Lug MF cameras that way. Big Manfrotto hex plates lock into their heads. Never a problem.
Whether its safe or not, I will never march along with a camera-on-tripod over my shoulder. Even with no one watching I have a huge aversion to playing the role of Living Cliche.

OTOH, if one is a Legend in Their Own Mind, then even if no none is watching, I suppose it might help support that Legend to play that role, even if just for an audience if only oneself (in floppy cloth hat).

Pragmatismwise, if ones pace of work includes using a tripod supported camera, then one has plenty of time to pull the camera from its bag or case and snap it onto the tripod.
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I have zero "illusions of grandeur" toting a camera and lens on a tripod. I have "illusions of being practical".

How about carrying a camera by a strap? Isn't that 'courting damage' as the strap might break? Holding it in your hand... So you never drop anything? Or trip and fall?

Egads... it's a camera, not a Fabergé egg.
Whether its safe or not, I will never march along with a camera-on-tripod over my shoulder. Even with no one watching I have a huge aversion to playing the role of Living Cliche.

OTOH, if one is a Legend in Their Own Mind, then even if no none is watching, I suppose it might help support that Legend to play that role, even if just for an audience if only oneself (in floppy cloth hat).

Pragmatismwise, if ones pace of work includes using a tripod supported camera, then one has plenty of time to pull the camera from its bag or case and snap it onto the tripod.
Think you might be showing off just a touch of inexperience here. Cameras locked on supports like mono or tripods relieve me of carrying a bag at events--indoor or outdoor. Happily lug a Mamiya RB67 Pro S+lens on a Manfrotto 055 around outdoor car shows or events. I carry a very tiny bag for 120 film and an extra film back. In good weather, cargo shorts work. That's it. Not interested in fashion statements.
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