Sample from first shoot with my new (to me) strobes


TPF Noob!
Feb 18, 2014
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United States
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Hey all,

Just a sample shot from my recent session trying out my new strobes. I shot this one with with a single strobe, center, on 1/32 power 3 feet above the subject. With an umbrella acting as a reflector directly below! I kinda wished I added a hair light now that I look at it ha. In future shoots I definitely need to work on posing my subjects, and have more of a creative vision in mind.



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I'm not on the best monitor right now, but they seem okay to me; her skin tone is very white, but that may have been deliberate.
Ha no the power was all the way down! (1000ws Ultrazap 2400) Should I probably have taken about half stop away? On my laptop (cringe) its doesn't look to blown out, but I am looking for a whitewashed look. Once you guys get a look on a calibrated monitor I fear the results :p.

One of the challenges with this shoot was the area I was in was essentially a 10x11 3 walled white walled cube, no excuses though. Camera right where she is opened up has a large opening without walls.
Not bad at all. Lighting is a bit hot for my taste, but you said you were going for a washed out look, so I guess it worked.

Did you partially desaturate it as well? Something about the hair color is bothering me a little bit.
Not bad at all. Lighting is a bit hot for my taste, but you said you were going for a washed out look, so I guess it worked.

Did you partially desaturate it as well? Something about the hair color is bothering me a little bit.

Thanks for the feedback! In the near future I'm looking forward to really stepping up my game. I did slightly overall and then boosted the key areas (lips + eyes). I know what your saying about the hair, I think its because I didn't use a hair-light, she naturally has dark hair but I could have made it more interesting for sure.

I think you succeeded in the look you were going for. The washed out could be my eyes and monitor.
Thanks for the feedback! Overall I think I should relook at my monitor regardless.
I love it. 10+
Looks good technically, including the lighting which I assume is your main concern. The pose is fine, actually, I think. But her expression is not very exciting.
Also if you want the high key washed out look, you would benefit from a background light to make that backdrop as pure white as possible to enhance the look.
I love the shot. Would love to shot one like this.


I love it. 10+
Thanks mate!

Looks good technically, including the lighting which I assume is your main concern. The pose is fine, actually, I think. But her expression is not very exciting.
Also if you want the high key washed out look, you would benefit from a background light to make that backdrop as pure white as possible to enhance the look.

Thank you the lighting was the largest concern of mine, although I was practicing posing the model. Your skepticism of the pose is justified! This photo actually is a tight crop, her shoulder blade was sticking out awkwardly on camera left. I attempted to save the shot but It does show. For the backdrop I'll see what I can do with a curves layer!

Thank you for your time!

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