Selling Pictures


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Last December I shot a wedding for my brother in law and at the reception the manager of the restaurant asked that I email her some of the shots. I emailed her a few pics and got a response that she might be interested in using them on their website to promote wedding receptions (the one I shot was the first time the restaurant closed down to do a reception so they're just getting into the business).

This is the first time I'm talking to a business about them using my shots. What would be the etiquette as far as talking about pricing? She said that the web designer is still selecting pics so at this point the conversation might be a bit early.

Also... I know what I would charge for prints but does anyone have a recommendation for what to charge for a website? The restaurant isn't a chain... but it's really nice (the kind of place where all meals are $20 or higher). I'd also think they'd get a lot of local / regional web traffic due to location and how nice the place is.

Thanks for reading the long post and any advice you can give.

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