Senior Pics?


TPF Noob!
Oct 21, 2007
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I am taking Senior Pictures for a co-workers son. I am still just starting out. Really, JUST starting. I haven't even started school yet ( I start in January) and I have little experience. So I have a few questions...

Since I don't have any real equipment yet, what should I do about a background. I found a place online that seems reasonable ( , but still kind of expensive for me. Especially since I won't be using this stuff again for a while. Should I try to go to places like JoAnn Fabric and just make a few canvas's on my own? And if so..what type of paint is best?

Any tips you have would be appreciated. I'm feeling in over my head here.
I started out with a king sized black and king sized white flat sheet. I push pinned it to the wall in my dining room where I had a big window full of natural light. I took head shots, sitting on floor and children mostly because my backdrop was not tall enough for standing subjects. Also, senior pics are great outdoors. Find a full shade area, set your white balance to shade or cloudy and snap away. Lean against a tree, crouching in a field, along railroad tracks are some of my favs!
Good luck,
and one more piece of advice, make yourself a senior pose file by going online and checking out what other professionals have done and make a little file to memorize poses.

I shoot 100% of my senior photos on-location. Not in studio. Use a natural environment. If done right it will go a lot further than any studio/backdrop/prop shot can ever reach.
Outdoor shots are great, but do your homework! Most school yearbooks are VERY RIGID on what they will accept for senior pics. Usually it must be head & shoulders only w/ dark, neutral background. Cover this basic, then go outside and shoot whatever your client wants! Good luck!
I went out and bought some pieces of heavy fabric to use as backdrops. Hopefully it won't be too cold and dark out so we can get some good outdoor shots. Thanks for your help! :lol:

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