Series from my last shoot. C&C Welcome.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 25, 2010
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During this shoot i was testing the new Steve Kaeser umbrella softbox.

F5.6 1/200th at iso100 for all shots.

1 opus k250 with sk umbrella softbox camera right at F5.6

1 opus k250 with sk umbrella softbox camera left at F4 for fill.

1 vivitar 285hv at 1/4 at9 oclock in a 24X24 speedlight softbox pointing at hair.
Please stop milking the demon-teat on my pictures.
Nice shots. It seems as if some of the highlights are slightly blown? Or is that just my monitor. I like the shots, and the lighting is pretty good, but the shadow on three bothers me.

I think they are all nice
The shadow on 3 dosent bother me so much, but maybe takes some of the focus off the subject?
I dont know, dosent seem to big of a deal to me
Good job : )
Shadow on 3 doesn't bother me either, but I'd prefer to see just a hint of the fact that she's wearing a skirt. The purse obstructs the whole bottom of her body, it it doesn't look like she's wearing a skirt. I realize that could be intentional, but it seems a bit awkward to have no skirt with that coat to me.
Shadow on 3 doesn't bother me either, but I'd prefer to see just a hint of the fact that she's wearing a skirt. The purse obstructs the whole bottom of her body, it it doesn't look like she's wearing a skirt. I realize that could be intentional, but it seems a bit awkward to have no skirt with that coat to me.

I was going the other way, I actually like that one as is, I'm thinking it looks like one of the tight dresses that don't go far enough down. So... yeah.

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