Settle difference of opinions


TPF Noob!
May 20, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi folks me and a friend have difference of opinions whether the pics below are overexposed or not. Would appreciate honest opinion. Thank you.
I would say ... yes, a little light, I would think that the original scene would be darker ... though it could be the white balance that is throwing me off, it appears too warm for an overcast day.
I do not think its overexposed but I do think the white balance is to warm.
Don't need opinions, when you've got facts. Here's the histogram for the second photo in the set.


That's massive overexposure and that's a fact.

Don't need opinions, when you've got facts. Here's the histogram for the second photo in the set.

View attachment 9197

That's massive overexposure and that's a fact.

Actually, that histogram shows a very well exposed photo with a highlight that is outside of the dynamic range of the camera.

Some highlights will always be blown and in some it just doesn't matter. In this case, there is very little one can do to prevent blown highlights. The scene's dynamic range is simply beyond the capability of the sensor. HDR or a different time of day would be the only solutions that come to mind.
Thank you all for the response. If some one else would like to pitch in please do. I am reading the responses with enthusiasm.
To Ysarex -
I appreciate you taking the scientific approach and looking at the histogram.

To Joe -
Two hardware solutions immediately pop into my mind to prevent what you address as blown highlights in these pictures. Number one is CPL filter, number two is ND graduated filter.

Don't need opinions, when you've got facts. Here's the histogram for the second photo in the set.

View attachment 9197

That's massive overexposure and that's a fact.

Actually, that histogram shows a very well exposed photo with a highlight that is outside of the dynamic range of the camera.

Some highlights will always be blown and in some it just doesn't matter. In this case, there is very little one can do to prevent blown highlights. The scene's dynamic range is simply beyond the capability of the sensor. HDR or a different time of day would be the only solutions that come to mind.

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