Seven Thousand Pictures


TPF Noob!
Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
New York
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Rush Limbaugh was recently married. The photography team took 7,000 photos. He did not allow anyone else invited to the wedding to bring their own camera.
He and his wife are going to proof all of the photos, which are on a website and then send each guest copies of the photos he/she chooses for them.

He did this so no one would "photoshop" pictures from his wedding.
I bet in 6 months there will be "photoshoped" pictures anyway.:mrgreen:

I wonder what this cost him?
He and his wife are going to proof all of the photos, which are on a website and then send each guest copies of the photos he/she chooses for them.

Looks like he got married to his type. An uptight SOB! :lmao:
Rush-Master Flash should have OD'd on pain pills before he got married (For the 4th time).
i am a conservative, but i do think he is too extreme right for me, but i don't want to get into that.

anyway, it's his wedding, his money, so who cares?

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