Shoot for the Moon


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 27, 2008
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Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
Can others edit my Photos
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This is my first shot of the moon with this new (used) Canon FD 300mm (prime) I bought last week. f/11 ISO 400 1/80th


Slight chromatic abberation bottom of moon

Kind of excited as I believe white spot to left of moon is reflection from one of the two GRAIL was moving between different frames, ruling out a sensor top left is a sensor problem most likely...let me know if you think differently...
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Nice shot and neat link! I got an ap for my iPod that shows what's what in the sky, that link will come in handy for sure :)
I took a shot of the moon for the first time two nights ago, went to post it this afternoon and saw all of the other moon threads... I'm too slow! lol
Yeah, I noticed that...I waited to post mine and then all of a sudden all these other moon shots start popping up....bizarre...or its just another sign of proof that synchronicty really is at play in my life...awesomeness!
I mainly posted this because I really do believe that the white spot is the reflection from one of the two GRAIL satellites up of my other moon shots has what I believe to be a reflection from the ISS...I'll post it here, look at the white spot towards bottom-left:

Love the, would you call it, sepia tone that is going on in the first edit.. The focus is incredibly sharp aswell! I can make out just about every little crater! :thumbup::thumbup:
I just noticed something last night about the first moon photo in this thread; towards the top of the moon, next to a smaller, dark crater, there is another white spot which I am starting to lead myself to believe is the other GRAIL satellite. I need to go through the other shots to confirm both of them are experiencing movement throughout the frames. That would be incredibly awesome if it turns out to be so. I'll let you know when I am done looking through them. The sad thing is, I didn't keep the same settings between shots and so some are over-exposed which renders the reflection useless.

EDIT: They definitely move between frames and now I am really kicking myself in the arse for not keeping the same settings. I would send the photo to NASA but I'm afraid that they would need proof that this isn't just a sensor anomaly. I just don't have enough useable frames to provide them. I'm quite sure that I captured both GRAIL satellites in the same photo. Sweet!
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That's way cool ! I'm going to have to go back through all my shots and see if anything else snuck into them (got some of the full moon last night too!)
That's way cool ! I'm going to have to go back through all my shots and see if anything else snuck into them (got some of the full moon last night too!)
lol what was I thinking? I opened them and went ... uh huh .. bright spots on the moon ... like I'm going to know what belongs and what doesn't. There is an especially bright spot in the lower left of the moon in last nights... but I suspect it is part of the moon....

(hope you don't mind me posting this! I will take it off if you do...)

Just noticed that both the moon photos I posted in this thread are both when they are waxing. And almost at the same spot. Strange.

Just noticed that both the moon photos I posted in this thread are both when they are waxing. And almost at the same spot. Strange.
Creature of habit are we? ;)
Apparently so. I'm going to have to check the dates on the photos, but it just seemed odd that I happened to capture the moon twice in its waxing gibbous phase without doing it on purpose.
Apparently so. I'm going to have to check the dates on the photos, but it just seemed odd that I happened to capture the moon twice in its waxing gibbous phase without doing it on purpose.

Creature of habbit for sure? Nice shots.

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