Shooting a wedding in 8 days!! HELP!!


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2010
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I'm getting paid MAJOR money so I want the pics to be PERFECT because I never shot a wedding so I just need tips! :sexywink:
I'm shooting a wedding in someones home. I have two lenses... my kit lens and my 35mm 1.8. Which do you reccommend? If flash ISNT allowed, what do I do? And if flash IS allowed... what should my lighting setup be? I have an sb600 speedlight, an alien bee 800, shoot through umbrellas, a softbox, "the best DIY beauty dish" and a 5 in 1 reflector kit.
Well I'm not really qualified to give wedding tips as I've never shot one, but here's what comes to mind.

Try to go to the location before the actual wedding and practice taking shots with the light available, and make note of what camera settings work. Take someone with you to stand where the bride and groom would be.

Make a list of shots you want to take, so that you don't forget in the heat of the moment.

If flash is allowed, use a diffuser on the sb600, and/or bounce it off the ceiling, avoid shooting it straight at the subject.

If flash is not allowed, the 35mm will be more useful with the larger aperture provided you have enough room to back up to get everyone in the shot.

Again, find out if flash is allowed beforehand, and go practice shots on site with or without flash as appropriate so you know what settings to use.
Well I'm not really qualified to give wedding tips as I've never shot one, but here's what comes to mind.

Try to go to the location before the actual wedding and practice taking shots with the light available, and make note of what camera settings work. Take someone with you to stand where the bride and groom would be.

Make a list of shots you want to take, so that you don't forget in the heat of the moment.

If flash is allowed, use a diffuser on the sb600, and/or bounce it off the ceiling, avoid shooting it straight at the subject.

If flash is not allowed, the 35mm will be more useful with the larger aperture provided you have enough room to back up to get everyone in the shot.

Again, find out if flash is allowed beforehand, and go practice shots on site with or without flash as appropriate so you know what settings to use.

WOW.. thank you sweetheart! These are AWESOME tips!! Especially making a list and scouting the place before hand.
Anyways, should I use toilet paper as a diffuser or should I just go out and buy a real one? Which do you reccommend?
For an indoor wedding with white ceilings of 8-14 ft, I use a Lumiquest 80/20 bounce. 80% of light goes to ceiling; 20% 90 degrees to subject. You will need to increase flash exposure by 1-3 stops with a bounce, same for a diffuser.
I hope you know how to crop yor photo :lmao:. Sorry, I have to be sarcastic LOL. Is this going to be at night or daytime? What worries me is the word "major money".
I'm getting paid MAJOR money so I want the pics to be PERFECT because I never shot a wedding so I just need tips! :sexywink:
I'm shooting a wedding in someones home. I have two lenses... my kit lens and my 35mm 1.8. Which do you reccommend? If flash ISNT allowed, what do I do? And if flash IS allowed... what should my lighting setup be? I have an sb600 speedlight, an alien bee 800, shoot through umbrellas, a softbox, "the best DIY beauty dish" and a 5 in 1 reflector kit.

WHY are you getting paid "MAJOR money" when you have no idea what your doing.

The whole point of paying "major money" is to get a professional photographer that knows EXACTLY what their doing.

Do the wedding party a favor and have them call a professional and let them get what they pay for.
WHY are you getting paid "MAJOR money" when you have no idea what your doing.

The whole point of paying "major money" is to get a professional photographer that knows EXACTLY what their doing.

Do the wedding party a favor and have them call a professional and let them get what they pay for.

I agree 100%. Imagine how you'll feel when you **** up this couple's one chance to capture what could be the single most important day of their lives.

You're completely selfish and inconsiderate. You're more interested in making a buck than you are of providing a good service.

You give professional photogs a bad name.

Imagine how you'll feel

Actually, I'm pretty sure I know how you'll feel so I'm not sure why I said that. You'll feel proud of yourself, won't you? :facepalm:
You're getting paiD "MAJOR MONEY" and want to use toilet paper as a diffuser......Really?!?!?
Is this your first wedding? What camera body are you using? Do you have a second camera body? Your kit lens isn't going to be the most ideal for this wedding, so I strongly advise renting a lens ASAP. Not sure how long you've known about this wedding job, but at this point I wouldn't really expect "perfection"...
Look, I am a newcomer here, but I'm shocked at some of the responses around. The person here is asking for help. Money consideration is their own personal issue mentioned in passing -- that of the person paying it and that of the person receiving it. Whether they're satisfied with the service provided or not, who're we to decide?

What money they get paid for doing a job is not our business and shouldn't have any role in giving advice on the forum.

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