Shooting MORE than one kiddie!!????


TPF Noob!
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
queensland, australia
:heart: HI all, I am a massive fan of children's portraiture.... or should i say, child's portraiture.... One child... fine, but put a couple together and have no idea how to get both in focus. Took a couple of my kiddies thismorning, trying Av setting and portrait setting, yet can't seem to manage to get both in focus. I have included a couple for you to pick. Don't mind the pool fence in the background, ugly I know!! Anyway, hope you pros can set me in the right direction of mastering CHILDREN'S portraiture. Thanks in advance xxxx

#2.. Chloe's eyes look sharp here... but Jay lacks focus???

ya number two jack is out of focus, but if he was up closer and really out of focus and the girl is how she it i think it would of been a nice pic

like the frist one
A deep depth of field will have them both in focus.

If you are using just the available light, place them where there is ample light.
On Av mode, set a higher number. f5.6 - f8, or above, depending on the light.

If it is digital that you are using, you have the convenience to experiment with all the f-stops and see the results instantly. Set the camera to Av mode, and start shooting with all the f-stops (the Aperture numbers), starting from the lowest number to the highest.

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