Shooting the moon #2


TPF Noob!
Sep 3, 2005
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Northern California
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2nd attempt at shooting the moon.

Thanks for looking
Digital Matt said:
Great exposure. What lens did you use? Is this a crop?
Matt - Lens used was a EF 70-200 F4L w/ extender and yes this is a crop but not a large crop.

Thanks everybody for the comments.
that looks really good
i tried it with a 55mm, climbed on the roof when it was freaking dark. But that just doesnt work..................even if you crop it, big time.
But you just go ahead and make more, cause i like em
Great shot Randog. Excellent exposure on this one. :thumbup:
Im going to attempt it on Saturday night, and if I get a good shot, I will post it.
Great shot, loads of detail. I'm gonna need a Telephoo before I can try somethnig like this. And now winter approaches I think I'll have to wait till spring or summr to get a moon in sight.
John E. said:
Well done Randog, the background color also goes very well with the moon.
The background is the original background with the curves adjusted and smoothed out. I used center-weight metering and I think that helped with the background to stay dark.

Chiller good luck on Saturday I know your shot is going to be great they always are!

Thanks everybody great response on this one
Thanks Raymond - Of course I don't mind, go ahead I welcome your post. Thanks for asking first.
Nice shot. Maybe it's just me, but when I take night shots I want the sky to be BLACK (well unless it's not really a black sky). I REALLY hope you don't mind, but I downloaded your image and tweaked it a bit. Here is what I came up with in a very quick try:


Basically, all I did was turn up the contrast, tweak the brightness just a touch, and then I did a quick color balance because I wasn't entirely happy with the color of the moon. I think I would have poked that a bit more were I doing this for a print--- maybe given it more of a blueish cast. I think in the end I also would have just gone over the background with a black paintbrus as there are some totally expected artifacts in there from the exposure that I'd like to clean up, but you see where I was going.

Anyway, I hope this information makes you happy and doesn't make you want to plot my death or anything. :)

(Edit: Oh I also did a very slight unsharp mask on it, though I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with the results- would play with that more)

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