Should I load Nikon software and other questions..


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May 9, 2012
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Got the 7000 about a month ago and did not load software on my 3+ yr old computer. Do I need it? Is it techinical or cause freeze ups etc? My son got me an IPad 3, 64 gig as a present to go with my camera, I am not that techie tho! I did load IPhoto which is ok with my level of photography right now. I thi k I have to download photos onto ITunes to be able to get them to a server to share with you all?On computer, I imported my P&S into Windows and uploaded to Photobucket to share. There is an old version do Adobe (4 ?) on the computer but it was on there from my son, I did not use it much. Should I just keep going this route with Nikon camera?Any suggestions? I may be getting his old 1 yr old computer next month if he upgrades, then I could see buying a program that would help me.Hopefully that makes sense..Nancy
By Nikon Software, I assume you're talking about View NX2 and Nikon Transfer. One is a light weight editor and the other is a tranfer utility to move files from the camera to the PC. There is really no issue with this software - much better than some of the P&S junk I've seen in the past. The only way to know is to load it and try it. The age of your computer doesn't tell us much, but the free utilities are not very CPU intensive. It sounds like you don't do much editing - just shoot JPEGs and load them online to share. You may not feel like you get much added benefit from these tools now, but as you get more involved with photography and decide to explore what's possible with the D7000, you may want to learn how to use these and other post processing software. I would suggest loading it and playing around. Be sure to follow the link to nikon and get the NEF codec so you can see the raw files from explorer - that is when you start to shoot raw. The transfer utility is pretty useful in my opinion and I used View NX to edit for awhile before moving up to more advanced software.

No harm in playing - never know what you'll discover.

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