Since i cant affort a Leica, what should i get?


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2006
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I have been looking at that Fuji X100s but i want to hear from you guys what else is out there. To those who say you cant compare a Leica with that, feel free and drop your knowledge on what else is out there. Thanks.
Not comparing LAica to any other camera maker just asnwering your question.
If not Laica then why the Fuji 100s and not the Fuji X pro1 ?
Heres the thing: i have been looking for something more compact than the average DSLR that still has great quality so i came across the x100s. That Xpro1 seems great,plus it has a Leica lens adapter which gets my hopes high for lens flexibility and quality pictures. That Epson, i didnt quite get what made it so special except that you can also mount Leica lenses on there.
Don't compare to Leica... that's just adding unnecessary complexity because at the root it isn't a rangefinder. You shoot with a rangefinder fairly differently. The cameras that interest you should convince you of their quality, performance, and handling against your expectations and your expectations alone. To set yourself on a quest to find something "Leica"-ish is recipe for disappointment.

As for the Epson R-D1. There is so much about that camera that made it exceptional that goes well beyond just simply mounting M lenses. In many ways, it betters my Leica M bodies. I definitely would buy another since its the only item I have seller's regret.

I'm in the process of acquiring the Fuji X10 used. Fuji's offerings are fairly compelling but if I were to go with Fuji on a primary body, I definitely would rather have the XPro1 or X-E1. The X10 for me would just be a P&S to add. Be aware that there are reports that AF is a bit slower than most people would like. Another option would be the latest micro 4/3rds cameras... heck even the Canon G15.... or even any number of mirror-less cameras.

The original post says zero about what you intend to do with said camera..... so the value of the responses will be limited. You basically asked what to tool to buy without describing what the tool needs to do.
Another thing about Epson RD1 is it has the Nikon D70 sensor and you have to cock the shutter like a film camera before your next shot
just to clear this up, i never said it had to be like a Leica. I just want something quick and easy for street photography without having to lose much quality. if possible with an interchangeable lense system but defenutely not a p&s like a canon g series. right niw that x pro 1 looks hella good to me:)
sincere - In this class I would get the $1099 Sony NEX-7 for street. Here is what Pop Photo had to say in their X Pro 1 review, "The X-Pro1’s main rival is the Sony NEX-7, offering higher imaging performance for $500 less (body only) with a bigger lens line, a lighter and smaller body, and a more responsive EVF. Your choice may come down to control style: Fujifilm’s traditional dial-and-ring design versus Sony’s innovative triple command wheels."

The Sony is now only $100 less than the Fuji (both cameras cost less than when this review was published, but the X Pro 1's price has fallen faster).

That said, it seems to me that you get more camera for your money with the NEX-7.

Hope this is helpful.

Hybrid Camera Revolution
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sincere - In this class I would get the $1099 Sony NEX-7 for street. Here is what Pop Photo had to say in their X Pro 1 review, "The X-Pro1’s main rival is the Sony NEX-7, offering higher imaging performance for $500 less (body only) with a bigger lens line, a lighter and smaller body, and a more responsive EVF. Your choice may come down to control style: Fujifilm’s traditional dial-and-ring design versus Sony’s innovative triple command wheels."

The Sony is now only $100 less than the Fuji (both cameras cost less than when this review was published, but the X Pro 1's price has fallen faster).

That said, it seems to me that you get more camera for your money with the NEX-7.

Hope this is helpful.

Hybrid Camera Revolution

I bet when you price in a veiw finder for the NEX-7 it is more expensive, also for street photography you want to be able to hyper focus for faster shooting then most people don't know you have even taken a photo, i use 2 M4's for street photographer and its much faster than a DSLR
I bet when you price in a veiw finder for the NEX-7 it is more expensive, also for street photography you want to be able to hyper focus for faster shooting then most people don't know you have even taken a photo, i use 2 M4's for street photographer and its much faster than a DSLR

Hi gsgary - You must have the Sony NEX-7 confused with some other camera. In fact, the NEX-7 has a very high resolution built-in 2.359 million dot OLED viewfinder.

And Imaging Resource says, "The Sony NEX-7's full autofocus shutter lag (with the subject at a fixed distance) was only 0.223 second in Single-area AF mode. This increased slightly to 0.225 second in Multi-area AF mode. That's much faster than the average CSC, and [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]competitive with digital SLRs."
It is certainly faster than the Fuji X Pro 1's full autofocus shutter lag of 0.369 seconds in Single AF mode and 0.626 seconds in Multi-AF mode, also as tested by Imaging Resource.


Hybrid Camera Revolution
I bet when you price in a veiw finder for the NEX-7 it is more expensive, also for street photography you want to be able to hyper focus for faster shooting then most people don't know you have even taken a photo, i use 2 M4's for street photographer and its much faster than a DSLR

Hi gsgary - You must have the Sony NEX-7 confused with some other camera. In fact, the NEX-7 has a very high resolution built-in 2.359 million dot OLED viewfinder.

And Imaging Resource says, "The Sony NEX-7's full autofocus shutter lag (with the subject at a fixed distance) was only 0.223 second in Single-area AF mode. This increased slightly to 0.225 second in Multi-area AF mode. That's much faster than the average CSC, and competitive with digital SLRs."

It is certainly faster than the Fuji X Pro 1's full autofocus shutter lag of 0.369 seconds in Single AF mode and 0.626 seconds in Multi-AF mode, also as tested by Imaging Resource.


Hybrid Camera Revolution

Its the nex-5 that needs a viewfinder, but i would still have the Xpro1

Yes I agree. but if you have no $ for the M240, go with a Fuji if you like the low profile. I use Fuji my street work. I gave up on the M43's for the most part. I am waiting / hoping for Fuji to make a Leica knockoff for $3500. I got a couple of RD1's. They are a nice digital throwbacks to old school film shooting.

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