Slow Loading Ads


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Oct 21, 2016
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This is not going to be news, and it's got a topic somewhere, but the "video advertising" clips are taking a long time to load, so that it discourages reading and posting in the forums. I've seen it take over 10 min. to load a page, and after an ad runs, it loads another one to replace it. Really, it would be worth it to drop back to single image ads, unless you are getting a ton of money for the videos. The balance point is "is it worth it if it is killing the forii?"
Thanks for the effort moving it. I wasn't that concerned. I think it should be mentioned occasionally, but it's always going to be a problem. . . .
I don't see them so I have no idea. The other thing you could do is use the "Contact us"" form; link is at the bottom of the page. I suspect that goes to the people that can do something.
I've never seen any video ads. I do use an ad blocker on my computer but on the occasions when I've logged in on another computer, I still don't remember seeing any video ads.
I've never seen any video ads. I do use an ad blocker on my computer but on the occasions when I've logged in on another computer, I still don't remember seeing any video ads.

Just about every ad I see on this site is a video. I have not been using an ad blocker specifically so that sites can made a "reasonable income". I guess the war between blockers and ads has reached a point where the blockers are necessary just to have a "reasonable" visitor/user experience. That's bad.
Just about every ad I see on this site is a video. I have not been using an ad blocker specifically so that sites can made a "reasonable income". I guess the war between blockers and ads has reached a point where the blockers are necessary just to have a "reasonable" visitor/user experience. That's bad.

I mean, I suppose, but to test things out, I just paused my ad blocker on this site for a while and navigated to a few different places, and not once did I see a video ad. I really don't understand why you're seeing them. There's nothing I can do as a moderator about that.
They may be targeted. Siince you are interested in video, I suspect your browsing history and cookies may show that. If I'm on the phone where the ad blockers are less succesful, I'll see ads for things like fishing, Jeep accessories and art supplies.
They may be targeted. Siince you are interested in video, I suspect your browsing history and cookies may show that. If I'm on the phone where the ad blockers are less succesful, I'll see ads for things like fishing, Jeep accessories and art supplies.

Sounds possible to me. Also, it might be regional. I can't think of an example right now, but it did seem to me that I have seen ads that were more oriented to me as a Canuck occasionally.

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