Smoke Signals


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 2, 2013
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I had some time time to play around today so i thought i would try my hand at some smoke photography.

All C&C welcome


Last edited:
updated to some more creative pics.
Smoke is fun to play with. The 2nd one to me looks like some kind of "being" with a head and arms that come out of a body. I noticed where you merged the photo together to get the effect though. Blend them together a little better and it'll look real good
Thanks for the comments, i went back and did the best i could on making it a less noticeable seem. I agree the second one does have a evil monster characteristic to it.
Wow that is crazy looking, this is something Id like to look into more closely. I may be trying this sometime soon.
Wow that is crazy looking, this is something Id like to look into more closely. I may be trying this sometime soon.

Same here. I've been doing similar experiments with water, but smoke is so organic and lovely. I hope you don't mind I had to try playing with this, so I created an alternate edit from your first image. I just took one quarter and mirrored it over itself, set to "lighten only" mode. I think it looks like some sort of animal skeleton.
$smoke edit.jpg
i dont mind it looks pretty cool. i dont have the photoshop skills to do to much with them yet. but i do have aton of varations i did but kept the post to just 2.

shipman you should try its its preatty easy to do and you dont need much at all. A camera, external flash, something black and some smoke and your good to go.
Thanks for the comments, i went back and did the best i could on making it a less noticeable seem. I agree the second one does have a evil monster characteristic to it.

Looks much better. The seam is much less noticeable now
2. Looks sort of like a beast. Awesome.

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there is a lot of negative space but i got a crazy smoke spider out of this one. playing with these is like identifying what you see in ink blots.

$smoke spider resized.jpg
I really like these. alot. If you don't mind me asking how do you get these kind of shots? how do you get the color in the smoke and the pitch black background?
its easier to see then explain. If you try it i cant wait to see what you come up with.

Here is a link to related youtube videos that should help you out. Its actually pretty basic stuff, just a lot of trial an error.

Im new to it but if you have any questions after watching the videos feel free to pm me.

smoke photography - YouTube

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