Some pictures for C&C


TPF Noob!
Jul 5, 2011
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New York
Can others edit my Photos
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Hey guys, here are a couple more photos for you:



1) What do you think of the composition? I debated having a wider angle to see more of the horizon but I ended having the image cropped more tightly to bring more attention to the subject.

2) I really tried everything I could to get the framing right on the second but this was the best I could get. I was trying to lie down on the ground to use the viewfinder but there was something stopping me from doing so so I had to resort to the LCD screen to frame it. What I was wondering was whether or not you them I should just crop the top bar off or leave it the way it is now. I think I like it better with the crooked bar but I wanted to hear your opinions.

Any other thoughts and comments are welcome and of course would be greatly appreciated.
C&C per req:

1. I rather like this; very clever use of irony with the 'Turn to clear vision' knob sharply focused and the distant skyline so soft and indistinct. I think a wider perspective might have helped; did you consider shooting a panorama here?

2. I understand the intent here (I think) but all of the angled lines as a result of your camera not being level and square in relation to the subject seem rather visually jarring. I think too the image would be much stronger with a bright, blue sky rather than the overcast white.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

i like number one but number two what is your focal point its out of focus
I really like number one, I'd love to have it as some art work in my office. I would love to see a panorama of it, too though.
Hmm that's a good idea. I might go back to the same spot and work on that (South Street Seaport) but I haven't ever done a panorama before. Also I don't have a tripod, which is pretty important, right?
Hmm that's a good idea. I might go back to the same spot and work on that (South Street Seaport) but I haven't ever done a panorama before. Also I don't have a tripod, which is pretty important, right?

Actually, from what I understand, if you have good enough software you can join together a bunch of hand held shots. Just make sure you are in manual mode with the focus on the same distance.

I really like number 1. But I was disappointed I could not manipulate the focus button...

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