some pink


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May 22, 2009
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Morenci, AZ
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Still learning and trying to get the perfect shots. Here is one I took a little while ago, give me your thoughts.

Yeah, image is kinda soft.

You might want to try filling the frame with the flowers next time.

Bright sunlight isn't the best condition to shoot flowers in...the flower faces are mostly in shadows. Overcast days are better for flowers. The use of a reflector to help reduce the shadows would have been nice.
I wish there would have been more of these flowers, but that was it. I am not sure what kind of flower it was, or if it was more of a weed, but it looked pretty. I need to figure out how to get the best focus on this camera. Of course it isn't an SLR so I probably won't get near the photos others get, but I will do the best I can with the equipment I have.

Yeah, image is kinda soft.

You might want to try filling the frame with the flowers next time.

Bright sunlight isn't the best condition to shoot flowers in...the flower faces are mostly in shadows. Overcast days are better for flowers. The use of a reflector to help reduce the shadows would have been nice.
1/320 @ f5.4.

You would have greater DOF if you went to a tripod and used a slower speed and smaller lens aperture setting.

Composition is basically pleasing.
nice! but i think the focus can be improved a little more

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