Someobody speak

Oh Oh Oh can I tell a joke ?!......
*Doesnt wait for a response , just tells it anyway*

An italian , a frenchman and an aussie bloke are sitting together in a bar and they're talking about their sexual prowess ...
The italian announces boastfully " When I make-a love to my wife , I make-a her feel so good that she rises ten inches offa da bed !!"
The frenchman raises his hand dismissively and replies " Pffffft ! Zat is nothing ! When I make ze sweet lurvve to my wife , I make her feel so good zat she rises TWENTY inches off ze bed !!! "
The aussie bloke looks at his drinking companions , shakes his head with a grin and replies :
"Mates ..... ya reckon THATS good ? When I finish making love to the missus , I get up , wipe me d*** on the curtain and she hits the bloody ROOF ! "

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