Something cool happened!


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Sep 2, 2003
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....and it happened to ME!! :mrgreen:

Got a call from the Director of this photography school I've been going to. She wants to offer a day-long workshop this fall on handcoloring (the classic way, using various mediums to put color on B&W prints) and she asked if I'd be the instructor. :D It's been offered there in the past as 6-week courses, but their former instructor is gone and I think she wants to test me. :wink: We have a lot of details to work out, but it won't be until November so there's plenty of time.

I'm really excited, and hoping I can pull it off! She said "my name came up" because my stuff has been remembered, which is flattering and humbling at the same time. This is an art form I love doing personally, so the thought of being paid to teach it is kinda making me giggly at the moment. :goodvibe:

Woo hoo!!!! :cheer:
Congrats :thumbsup:

I hope it works out very well for you.
Wow, Terri, that's great news. Thanks for sharing and keep us posted.
Terri, that's awesome news! I wish I wasn't so far away from GA or I would sign up for your class right away.

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