something i noticed


TPF Noob!
Nov 7, 2009
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New York, NY
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i was just thinking... i noticed that alot of fashion photographers that shoot models in studios use canon. i know about 10 fashion photographers, who all use canon. i did modeling a few times a year ago and i remember all the photogs used canon.... when i was choosing my new cam, one of them said that nikon is too sharp... whats the deal with canon and fashion photogs, why do you think they like canon so much
Yay! A Nikon vs. Canon debate thread!

:popcorn: for everybody.
Lol bitter, i really dont want a debate thread. Just curious if its true that most fashion photogs use canon. If so, why
I don't think they do, I think it's simply that those who shoot Canon and use the grey lenses stand out more.
To sharp? Anyone saying that is probably only looking at straight out of camera JPEGs and not cracking open the RAWs - sad thing is if that is the case chances are they've not even seen the camera (either camera) work with pro end glass when they made their first choice and just saw kit lens results - later on of course one hopes that they are using some good quality glass ;)

As for why I guess its because of the 5D camera body that canon had for a long while which was the cheap, affordable fullframe body that people could get hold of. Todays market is far more complex (you have several companies now with fullframe bodies on the market) and I would honestly say Nikon or Canon for studio work you could do wonders with either.

In fact I've never ever seen a field of photography that one company (out of nikon and canon) that the other could not do just as well at. The ONLY exception is >1:1 macro photography where canon has their own unique lens for the job - that said a nikon camera body paired with bellows and microscope elements (As well as diopters and reverse mounted lenses) can achieve just as good if not better image quality than the canon.
Your sample size is WAY to small, and your single survey question result make it improper to be spouting queries like, "Just curious if its true that most fashion photogs use canon." :lmao:
Most Nikon users would agree that Canon is the clear choice for Fashion photography.

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