Sony Lens choice - I've got stuck!


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2016
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I've been using Sony for a while, and it's time to update my lenses.

Two I have are the 55mm 1.8 and the Batis 25mm f2.

I'm thinking of keeping both, but I'm hoping to use a 24mm that's smaller and lighter. Possibly the 24mm 2.8 G?

I have also been thinking of either the 40mm 2.5 G or the 35mm 1.8 to sit between the 55mm and the 24mm.

Does anyone have any advice or opinions? My mind has become split between the two...

I know that the 35mm is a little older, but it is 1.8 - however, the 40mm 2.5 G is smaller and lighter.

There will probably be occasions where I'd use the lens in low light...

Any recommendation for the 24mm, 35mm and/or 40mm would be appreciated.

Although I like the Batis lenses, and the 25mm does have a speed advantage over the other lenses I've seen with a similar focal length, my back is not what it was and I'm hoping for a collection that will be easier for me to carry....
I am tempted by the 35mm 1.8, but I have read mixed reviews about it (incl. its weather sealing)....

Any experience?
I am tempted by the 35mm 1.8, but I have read mixed reviews about it (incl. its weather sealing)....

Any experience?
My 35/2.0 is the Sigma DG DN. I use a set of six DG DN primes from 17 to 90 (altho never all at once !). I also use Sonys 28/2.0 and 50/1.8 and a Zeiss 135. Of all those many primes, the six Sigmas are my faves.

I reserve f/2 (-ish) speed for lenses closest to "normal". Really wide (below 28) dont really need speed, and with teles speed means weight, bulk, high cost, and no DoF, so 3.5 or 2.8 is my personal limit for teles.

FWIW my ~f/2 lenses are 28, 35, 50, and 65, but for compactness I have a very similar set that is "only" f/2.8. That one stop has a real impact on size. The 24 and 35 are almost pancakes. Size matters ! Pix of two different size 35s are below. FYI Rokinons 24/2.8 is the same size as their 35/2.8.

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