Spring time C+C


TPF Noob!
Oct 25, 2008
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Went for a walk this morning, the weather was amazing. It was hazy but warm, and the sun shone through.

I'd appreciate C+C, if possible, and mainly with regards to composition, but anything is welcome. Thanks in advance

Not sure which I prefer, the black and white or the colour. I'd be grateful if you could help me decide which to keep.


Couldn't get a decent shot of the eyes, insect photography is difficult!

Just a tacky macro shot of a blossom.

I'm actually quite interested in doing some more insect photography, I find it oddly satisfying.
I think your first two (althought the same), have way too much texture going on. There seems to be nothing defined as a focal point, and I would assume it would be the path, but that even has the same texture as the trees surrounding it.

The close-ups are pretty good, but I'd try to place a light subject against a dark background rather than in front of another light object. The second of these tends to get lost in the background even with the shallow DOF. Your focus on both of these looks great though.
Ok, thanks a lot. How could I have shot the first one differently? And how do you think the composition of it is, otherwise?
As far as the first 2, I like the Color one better. I think that the white really contrasts with the green really well although I agree with Sherman about them having alot of texture with no real definitive focal point. The insect on is ok. If thats what your intrested in, then stick with it! Not bad, I like them though.
Ok, thanks a lot. How could I have shot the first one differently? And how do you think the composition of it is, otherwise?
With photo like this, you want to have an identifiable subject, and have it isolated from it's surroundings. This is done through various methods included decreasing the depth of field, color or tonal isolation, contrasting textures, etc. Just find ways to make your subject stand out and make it unique. If this is your style of photography, think of things like where the path leads the eye, where your linear elements are (branches, etc.), balancing tones and textures, adding contrasting colors, size variation, visual rythm and repetition, in other words, frame your photo so the shot tells a story about the scenery.

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