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Startup looking for photographer collaboration


TPF Noob!
Jun 10, 2019
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey everyone,

we're a startup from Germany who are currently building a new image proofing and online gallery platform. In order to enhance our presentation we're looking for a collaboration (preferrably wedding, other areas are welcome too) to display your images on our website and demo gallery.

For you that means basically free exposure and we will reference your photos accordingly on our frontpage.

As a thank you we'd also like to give you access to a special account on our platform once it's released.

If you're interested, feel free to leave us a message at info@picteor.io or just reply on here :)
To the one(s) potentially collaborating with us, yes pretty much. Obviously a service can't be completely free of charge forever but we think that several months of a premium account plus the constant exposure on the frontpage are a good deal.
Our platform is a subscription based cloud service (eg. Pixieset, Shootproof) so we can only offer subscription time as a thank you.
Have you thought of money? Money makes an excellent thank-you gift for artists. As much as we all like exposure, the last time I was in Starbucks, they simply would not take it in exchange for a cup of coffee!
Of course we've thought about just paying for the images but unfortunately we don't have that much money as a small startup.
Do you have a rough approximate on what value would be fair for a set of images (about 20 images)? A sort of mixed-variation would be totally fine as well, for example a one time payment plus the previous mentioned free subscription for several months.
It's absolutely not our plan to "scam" the photographer for some images without paying something back
Not working for 'exposure', stop asking photographers to do that. You need to contract photographers and license usage of their images.

Your website is located in the Indian Ocean Territories??

Forget it.
Of course we've thought about just paying for the images but unfortunately we don't have that much money as a small startup.
Do you have a rough approximate on what value would be fair for a set of images (about 20 images)? A sort of mixed-variation would be totally fine as well, for example a one time payment plus the previous mentioned free subscription for several months.
It's absolutely not our plan to "scam" the photographer for some images without paying something back
Of course it depends on a number of factors including size, resolution, # of views, etc. The rate could range from as little as, say, $100/image/year to $500/image/year.

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