Stayed for sunrise…


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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After shooting the Milky Way in the cold until about 4am, we took a warm up break in the car (yeay for heated seats!) and then headed back into the cold for sunrise. After the clouds cleared out for the milky way window, I wasn’t expecting much of a sunrise. Instead it went almost too far in the other direction. So many clouds we almost got nothing!

Classic horseshoe view of Portland Head Light

PHL Sunrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr

The sunrise was off to the right so I moved to get more color in the frame when the sun finally started to break through.

PHL Sunrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr

If you look closely you can see the boarded up windows and caution tape from the storm damage this lighthouse sustained during a big storm last month.
Beautifully done. I like the first one since it's still a bit dark and the light in the lighthouse is more noticeable. It really says sunrise to me. This is well done and captured the atmosphere of the morning. I could see that one printed and hanging on a wall.
After shooting the Milky Way in the cold until about 4am, we took a warm up break in the car (yeay for heated seats!) and then headed back into the cold for sunrise. After the clouds cleared out for the milky way window, I wasn’t expecting much of a sunrise. Instead it went almost too far in the other direction. So many clouds we almost got nothing!

Classic horseshoe view of Portland Head Light

PHL Sunrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr

The sunrise was off to the right so I moved to get more color in the frame when the sun finally started to break through.

PHL Sunrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr

If you look closely you can see the boarded up windows and caution tape from the storm damage this lighthouse sustained during a big storm last month.
Almost got nothing?! I think #1 is awesome. The lighting and the clouds create great drama in the photo. And the striations in the rocks pull you right into it. Nicely captured!
Two great shots. I think many would have zoomed in to the lighthouse a bit more and missed that great FG interest which as much as the light, makes these for me. ...........................but an all nighter????
Beautifully done. I like the first one since it's still a bit dark and the light in the lighthouse is more noticeable. It really says sunrise to me. This is well done and captured the atmosphere of the morning. I could see that one printed and hanging on a wall.
Thanks Sharon. I’m torn between these 2. I have a few others from the night befire and may print a series.


Almost got nothing?! I think #1 is awesome. The lighting and the clouds create great drama in the photo. And the striations in the rocks pull you right into it. Nicely captured!
If you saw the dark grey clouds almost completely covering the sky in that direction about 30 minutes before these were taken you would have thought the same. I had just about decided to leave when things started to lighten up!

Two great shots. I think many would have zoomed in to the lighthouse a bit more and missed that great FG interest which as much as the light, makes these for me. ...........................but an all nighter????
Yeah that all nighter wiped me out! Took two weeks to bounce back. I’m getting too old for that!

Wonderful shots. Bravo.
Thanks Alan!

Nice shots.
Thanks very much.
HOLY SMOKES!! Talk about dramatic landscape scenes.
Beautiful as always! You do landscapes so well!

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