Strap attachments for my old film cameras


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2019
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Snohomish County, WA, USA
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Any ideas on where I could get a few of these leather attachment doodads? I can't seem to find any place that is selling them these days. thanks

Well, I'm old enough to have been around YEARS before Al Gore invented the internet, and I joined Ebay about 6 months after it's birth. But ya can't find stuff if ya don't know what to call it. :)

Thanks again
I don't know if there are any camera swaps in your area but dealers may have a box of small items you can hunt through.

Try Pittsburgh Camera Exchange, they have all kinds of smaller items like that (they did have a website, and list on ebay but I can't think of their seller name). Or maybe Central Camera in Chicago, or any camera stores that have been around a long time (if you're lucky enough to have one still around in your area try there) - most sell somewhere online and may still have years' worth of stuff around.

At least now you know what they're called!

That didn't take long! They have some listed right now on ebay. I think they actually have two stores, one with used/film/vintage and the other with newer digital. I've bought from them a number of times...

edit - Steampunk??! I don't know about that, seems a bit of a stretch but OK... (I like steampunk but to me they're camera equipment!).
The metal rings can still scratch your camera and probably will. I suggest getting a strap with a non-metallic connector such as the OP/TECH straps.
I usually use ones with leather attached, not just the rings.

And Dennis, why did you post those links?? you're a bad influence!! lol I think the one seller doesn't realize some of the so called steampunk items are still usable darkroom items (like the masks I now want because I could use them for lumen prints and why did you show me those?? lol).
I just Googled ... really did not pay much attention ... and what's a"steampunk" ?
Lots of not-too-bright eBay sellers think "steampunk" is a cool term that applies to just about anything that was made prior to last week. They also think that shoppers search for that term so they include it in the titles of their listings. As far as I know the term was briefly considered "cool" sometime a few years back and nobody uses it anymore or ever knew what it meant in the first place.
Lots of not-too-bright eBay sellers think "steampunk" is a cool term that applies to just about anything that was made prior to last week. They also think that shoppers search for that term so they include it in the titles of their listings. As far as I know the term was briefly considered "cool" sometime a few years back and nobody uses it anymore or ever knew what it meant in the first place.
I have a fairly good idea of what it means, (a sort of fantasy/Victorian tech cross over) having followed a steampunk comic strip for many years & heard of it in role playing games over 20 years ago.
I don't think I've ever searched e-bay for it, but I suppose those who like dressing up might. The Witby Goth festival & others like it gather together significant numbers of Steampunk fans.

Girl Genius Online Comics for the comic
Well, do search eBay for it. That is what we were talking about. You will find hundreds of thousands of "steampunk" listings which is why I am rather sick of the term.
Perhaps find a local leather crafter and have some made up.

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