Stupid Sony, Stupid PS3


TPF Noob!
Oct 1, 2006
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Houston, TX
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I'm kind of mad about what Sony did. Me and my fiance had to camp out at walmart for 4 hours and then when they let us go back there, they only had recieved 10 and they were all pre-ordered. They told us they were going to have 50. So my fiance was really bummed. We went across the street to K-mart because they said first come first serve.

Now it seems that they are going to be having a "drawing". If they pick your number then you get to buy it. So now I have to go up there at 6 in the mofo morning to be in this drawing. ¬_¬

Anyways we looked on ebay..about 4,000 people are selling theirs there for more than 1,000 dollars. How could they do that? It's plain evil to me. People who had their heart set on getting one and saved the money are now being outdone by people who bought it just to sell it.

It's total choas and I think it's ridiculous!
It's all about the buzz. By the first or second week of January...stores will be full of them.

I heard on the Radio that one guy went to a homeless shelter with a U-haul truck and loaded up 10 or 15 homeless people. He paid them each $100 a day (and he brought them food)...just to stand in line at a K-mart or someplace.
Im not sure why people sit out for hours waiting for these things.. They will be out again.. OK so your child doesnt get it for xmas? Its not the end of the world... hehe... GOOD luck on getting it!
I know in some places it IS days....I've had people on another forum tell me they saw people lined up on TUESDAY!
I guess everyone has their 'thing'...and I used to like video games when I was young... Super Mario Brothers :thumbsup: but I can't help but feel sorry for all these 'video game-aholics'. It's just a video game people! At least you have to get outside to stand in line to buy the thing...enjoy the fresh air before you lock yourselves back in the basement for the next three months.

OK...I'm sure I've just offended 80% of the people here...sorry :D.

I'm a little soured on the whole video game thing because of the last guy who rented my basement suit. He was a dirty, pot-smoking hippy...(which isn't all that bad)...but he didn't work or go to school...just sat in the basement playing video games all day, everyday. He would only leave to buy food and when a new game game out. I understand that not everyone is as motivated as (I think ;) ) they should be...and I gave him the benefit of doubt...I figured he would one day grow up (I thought he was about 24)...well, he was actually 36 :shock: His life is passing him by and all he does is play video games. Why would anyone do that...when they could be spending all that time on a photography forum ;)
How many people complain when a new camera comes out and its hard to get one right off the bat?

Have to let production catch up!

I bet there will be no problem getting one around x-mas time. As bad a time they are having with laptop batteries. I bet they have the factory on tripple overtime to get these things out. Need something to help the books.
Holly said:
Im not sure why people sit out for hours waiting for these things.. They will be out again.. OK so your child doesnt get it for xmas? Its not the end of the world... hehe... GOOD luck on getting it!

I agree. The same happened with ps2. When I went out to buy it, 3 weeks later, there were no lines, no angry people, no nothing. Ok, it's nice to get it early, but you will never ever be the first one to have it. So why not wait a few more days.
But what do I know.

Like Big Mike said, everyone has a "thing". If your thing is videogaming and you find it satisfactory to be one of the first to have a new system, that seems fine.
Like people waiting in line for the premiere of a movie or a football game. The "sacrifice" of standing in line can be part of the experience and fun. But if you stop enyoing it or your are being suckered, I see no point.
They had 6 people waiting in front of our Wal-Mart starting Wednesday night. Wal-Mart was nice enough to let them camp out between the front electric doors to cut down on the wind. I thought it was great. Both what Wal-Mart did and the fact they were waiting. They were a bunch of kids and you could tell they wanted the system. They werent there to buy it then sell it on ebay. I ended up buying them some Mountain Dew. I mean, it takes balls to sit in front of a store that long. I wish I could. Im not addicted to video games but I think it would be pretty cool to sit around with a group of people waiting for the same thing I was.
Well I'm not a really big gamer. Infact I'm actually waiting for the Wii. Seems like a lot of fun,but my fiance is a "hardcore" gamer or some gay crap. Basically we stood out infront of K-mart, and it was 25 degrees outside. When they finally let us in and gave us the tickets there was about 20 people there.

We found out quickly that they only had 2.


So they drew the ticket numbers, and I was one number off. :( I was happy for the people that got it. They weren't going to sell theirs and I think thats awesome. There are a lot of people out there wanting one and would pay a little extra for it even. But to get one and sell it? I think its horrible. But they bought it so I guess they can do whatever they want with it.

Anywho my fiance was really bummed out and to top off the sadness, the camera I was going to get today was sold. :( I guess there was some christmas shopping going on. It really sucked.

But it was great to get out of the apartment and watch the sun rise.


(I don't understand the whole "I need one right now" thing either. I just went with him because he asked me too.)

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