Sunlight in the Courtyard


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
Can others edit my Photos
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I thought the light was wonderful this morning. Maybe you had to be there, but I tried to show how it felt.
I'd like to like this more. I can see it's an emotive shot and that's cool. The hellishly high contrast, though, drains it. Near zero mood which, I believe, made it attractive to you at first glance. Well-worth some editing IMHO. Apologies for the "C&C" treatment.
I'd like to like this more. I can see it's an emotive shot and that's cool. The hellishly high contrast, though, drains it. Near zero mood which, I believe, made it attractive to you at first glance. Well-worth some editing IMHO. Apologies for the "C&C" treatment.
Thanks for the advice! It resonates with my “maybe you had to be there.” I’m going to try to improve it.
I'd like to like this more. I can see it's an emotive shot and that's cool. The hellishly high contrast, though, drains it. Near zero mood which, I believe, made it attractive to you at first glance. Well-worth some editing IMHO. Apologies for the "C&C" treatment.

Second try. Second thoughts? Or is that feeling of light and shadow still in my head and not in the image? Thanks in advance for your help.

Second try. Second thoughts? Or is that feeling of light and shadow still in my head and not in the image? Thanks in advance for your help.

View attachment 281849
Agree. Better. Just thought the flattened contrast edged it closer to what caught you. Like it.
J'adore hi-contrast shots but muff quite a few that just can't be rescued/re-habed in post.
As my frau usually says, "Unlikely you'll get worse at it." Get no respect...
Agree. Better. Just thought the flattened contrast edged it closer to what caught you. Like it.
Not a bad day - I actually learned something! Thanks for the advice!
Very nice image! Agree the second one is more appealing. Capturing those feelings in image is tough.

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