Sunrise for C&C Please!

Nov 26, 2010
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Hi Guys,

I took this pic earlier today. Please let me know what you think.


great job! i love it and i hope to take a sunrise pic that looks like this.
i think with some pp this will be awsome! i think i would crop a bit different. add some contrast, and play with some levels and see what happens. really pretty!
a great way to get deeper colors sooc, is to NOT expose properly.. OR i bit higher iso, with underexposure.. it's best to play with different exposure. it's not always "proper" meter for proper exposure.. jmt!
i hope you don't mind, i did a quick play:) levels, and contrast basicly.. a little hue/sat adjustment too.
Overall I like it, I would maybe get closer to that rock or go near a jetty, for a foreground element. Last year I drove down to LBI about four times for sunrise pics, all I can say doing this at this time of year is fun, but dress warm!
If your interested heres a link to my flickr, never did get a real dramatic sky like I wanted.
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Overall I like it, I would maybe get closer to that rock or go near a jetty, for a foreground element. Last year I drove down to LBI about four times for sunrise pics, all I can say doing this at this time of year is fun, but dress warm!
If your interested heres a link to my flickr, never did get a real dramatic sky like I wanted.Flickr: jafo326's Photostream

Thanks for the compliments, Guys!

I was actually heading home from Sea Bright, NJ after the sun came up and the light became a bit harsh. As I was driving on Ocean avenue towards the Parkway, I noticed the sun begin to become hidden by some higher clouds creating some really nice light! I pulled into a parking lot in Monmouth Beach immediately and headed to the beach to set up. I didn't want to waste time by changing back into my waders so I was not able to get any closer. I was wearing sneakers and really didn't want to get really wet. My feet did get a little wet. The waves were really high!

i think with some pp this will be awsome! i think i would crop a bit different. add some contrast, and play with some levels and see what happens. really pretty!

+1 on this. I think it's a fantastic photo with potential with a bit of adjustment.

I think atabrem's adjustment is to much for my taste, but somewhere in between would be where I would go.
I was going to suggested moving closer to use more of the rock as a foreground element....then I read your second post here. I don't blame you!

I like the colors as presented, but adding just a slight 'S' curve can improve this.
I think my camera captures colors a little flat. I always have to saturate to bring back colors as they were. My problem is then getting the right setting. I'm always afraid of oversaturating.

This pic could definitely use some more color in the sky. The sky was very colorful and this picture doesn't capture that.

Thanks for the tips!

I really like what atabrem did to the photo. The colors of the sky are so beautiful and have such great contrast with the sea. Overall it's a beautiful photo. The only thing is that the rock pulls my focus away from the sky, so I don't know if cropping is an option, but it's something to thing about when shooting those scenes.
I really like what atabrem did to the photo. The colors of the sky are so beautiful and have such great contrast with the sea. Overall it's a beautiful photo. The only thing is that the rock pulls my focus away from the sky, so I don't know if cropping is an option, but it's something to thing about when shooting those scenes.

To me I like the rock and the surrounding reflections, even more then the actual sky! :lol:
I really like what atabrem did to the photo. The colors of the sky are so beautiful and have such great contrast with the sea. Overall it's a beautiful photo. The only thing is that the rock pulls my focus away from the sky, so I don't know if cropping is an option, but it's something to thing about when shooting those scenes.

To me I like the rock and the surrounding reflections, even more then the actual sky! :lol:
yep I think a "rulr of thirds" crop using the rock makes it look better ;)
I really like what atabrem did to the photo. The colors of the sky are so beautiful and have such great contrast with the sea. Overall it's a beautiful photo. The only thing is that the rock pulls my focus away from the sky, so I don't know if cropping is an option, but it's something to thing about when shooting those scenes.

To me I like the rock and the surrounding reflections, even more then the actual sky! :lol:
yep I think a "rule of thirds" crop using the rock makes it look better ;)

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